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Challenges for Pogo pin manufacturers in the AI era

2024-01-12 16:16:28

With the continuous advancement of technology, AI brings many possibilities to our lives. Pogo pin connectors also have certain challenges for downstream industries.

First of all, the product update iteration on the market is accelerated, the life cycle of the product is shortened, and the pogopin connector, as a customized product, needs to constantly introduce new products to meet the requirements of the market and customers. In the face of customized demand, the requirements for Pogo pin manufacturers will become higher, mainly involving research and development capabilities, response speed, and price and quality. Secondly, under the trend of pursuing small size and high performance in AI intelligence, communication products, consumer electronics, etc., the performance requirements for Pogo pin connectors are also increasing.

With the rapid development of Pogo pin industry, Xinteng designs different structural products to meet market requirements based on the research and development, production and testing of Pogo pin connectors. And develop more than 1000 standard products for choice; Convenient for quick delivery, sampling, testing.

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